minded empiricism, willingness to go ahead on things. of which no one understands the fundamentals, set us apart from the scientists; and our adaptability in mak- ing-do with unsuitable materials, antiquated social structures and unreliable people is rather frightening to the general public. Thus, the engineer inherently feels 'different" and this surely makes it easier to survive the shock when we realize how really different we are becoming as we develop into TV's. It is sad to think of the many potentially lovely femme person- alities that may be forever locked up in the closed minds of conformists. Remember, we see only the sur- vivors.
In addition to open-mindedness, a member of this profession has a number of other virtues attractive to a growing girl anxious to share his skull with him. We move around a lot, usually on some mysterious busi- ness totally incomprehensible to the uninitiated; this helps a lot on privacy during the secret stage, and in meeting other TV's after we become more sociable.We are also superbly trained in the construction of alibis- and, if worst comes to worst, our general reputation for eccentricity makes us a little less vulnerable (I hope) to the consequences of exposure. Also, the man- ual dexterity and ingenuity help; I can hardly visual- ize one of us being baffled more than once by a recal- citrant back zipper, or by the problem of putting a 15 inch necklace on a 16-1/2 neck! The engineer is typ- ically above average in IQ and creativeness, and the se qualities help. To us, problems are a hobby as well as a business; when we run short of problems we tend to invent a few just for fun. Well, the engineer who creates a sister finds himself with a real bonanza of problems! In addition, I feel sure. most of us have a real appreciation of beauty, which is carefully repres- sed to conform to the "Masculine Image. Here is a chance to create some beauty, and to be a part of it. Pygmalion, cutting a woman from cold marble, did it the hard way; we at least start with warm, living (and very willing) flesh to produce our Galateas.
The sister, being a mirror image of her brother is more than the symbolic sense, shares in all these qualities. Once she gets past the "living doll" stage,